Púrpura , relato breve
Púrpura ,
relato breve
La habitación embriagaba con ese purpura encendido. Ése
De excesiva pasión guardada que exacerba los sentidos tenía un placer
Que se antojaba desmedido. La técnica la magia que tan
Manejaba era de por si como un oleaje del océano más bravío….
Suculentas arremetidas, penetrando más allá de lo consciente,
tan dentro se tenían
Habitándose cual duendes traviesos en el juego más
Conjugaron sus esencias hasta más no poder retornando y reinventándose
Y otra vez…
Purple, short story
The room was drunk with that purple glow. that aroma
Of excessive stored passion that exacerbates the senses had a pleasure
That he seemed inordinate. The magic technique that so consciously
Handling was by itself like a wave of the bravest ocean ....
Succulent rush, penetrating beyond the conscious, so within had
Dwelling like mischievous goblins in the most amusing game.
They conjugated their essences until they could not return and reinventing one
And again…
The room was drunk with that purple glow. that aroma
Of excessive stored passion that exacerbates the senses had a pleasure
That he seemed inordinate. The magic technique that so consciously
Handling was by itself like a wave of the bravest ocean ....
Succulent rush, penetrating beyond the conscious, so within had
Dwelling like mischievous goblins in the most amusing game.
They conjugated their essences until they could not return and reinventing one
And again…
Sonia Herrera H,
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