
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2016

Púrpura , relato breve

Púrpura   , relato breve La habitación embriagaba con ese purpura encendido. Ése aroma De excesiva pasión guardada que exacerba  los sentidos tenía un placer Que se antojaba desmedido. La técnica la magia que tan conscientemente Manejaba era de por si como un oleaje del océano más bravío…. Suculentas arremetidas, penetrando más allá de lo consciente, tan dentro se tenían Habitándose cual duendes traviesos en el juego más divertido., Conjugaron sus esencias hasta más no poder retornando y reinventándose una Y otra vez… Purple, short story The room was drunk with that purple glow. that aroma Of excessive stored passion that exacerbates the senses had a pleasure That he seemed inordinate. The magic technique that so consciously Handling was by itself like a wave of the bravest ocean .... Succulent rush, penetrating beyond the conscious, so within had Dwelling like mischievous goblins in the most amusing game. They conjugated their essences until...


Nos devora el ego… Cuando en estos tiempos se nos exige tanto Ser los mejores, en todo y vamos por ahí tratando de ocultar nuestros defectos algunos con mas, otros con menos pero al final todos tratando de dejar una huella… Algunos más presos que otros y otros más afortunados En completa libertad, aunque no del todo Algunos siendo libres pensadores por solo elección y convicción Otros porque no conocen otras formas y así se los inculcaron Títeres de una sociedad que reclama. Algunos van por ahí haciéndose De compromisos desde luego con algunas recompensas, Algunos siendo solo un polvo de camino sin más recompensa que la sola existencia El mismo hombre devorándose a sí mismo., y sin embargo algunos soñadores todavía Van sin prisas dándose tiempo de contar las estrellas… Autor Sonia Herrera Hurtado Ego devours us ... When in these times we are required so much Be the best, in everything and we go there Trying to hide our shortcomings S...

Incertidumbre del ser...

Suspendidos estamos en un mundo donde su infinito Resplandor luce con brillos esplendidos desde su cielo Y donde si horizonte transcurre sin tiempo en su espacio. Promesa y espejismo que nutre nuestra incertidumbre… Suspended we are in a world where its infinite Glow shines with splendor from its sky And where if horizon passes without time in your space. Promise and mirage that nourishes our uncertainty ... Author Sonia Herrera H.

Mordeduras de conciencia.

Biting the conscience The clarity of the dawn The shadow that went away last night I've seen you fall Protagonist of all your virtues Crazy in your sunset, You were like the day, the brightness And on their own modesty very apart Which leads me to ask With certain acuity Will you take a cuirass so nobody Attain to penetrate and realize explicitly Of the own pain and annoyance What are you wearing? There is no justification, though, I must admit that your arguments They seem to say yes, Plus a field where you grow By the way and in full consciousness With no regrets About third-party pain Sooner or later, reflect You own anguish. Author Sonia Herrera H.


The rhythm and pregnancy of my moon I do not want to be your extinct love Do not fall like that from heaven Rather, be the one to accompany your moments Those where you keep moist silences. When you find again The rhythm and pregnancy of my moon I will strike your nostalgia Even aching my skin, Even with my broken voice ... It's that absence that hurts Undressing dawns Where I am such ... The wind keeps waving my wings As by miracle, I am the same and I am another Even demons and angels embrace me I still belong and I am transparent Like the air. Author Sonia Herrera Hurtado

THE PRICE PAID, short story

THE PRICE PAID, short story Has not come Nor reach it when I reached out ... Wait and look until the afternoon, I stumbled over something and turned around to a window and heard the wind swinging the curtain knocking on the wood. I will not forgive him or pity him when I see him. It is late and outside, there is a slight noise, I have tired of calling him and, If I just leave without thinking much? Maybe he only decided to fulfill his revenge because he accused me so much of having destroyed his world ... Yes, maybe the vengeful hour came, I do not know ... His anger was so great that I still hear his teeth grinding, his insult and that outrage he made me Victim, had no limit in his lasciviousness to suddenly run away and so agitated ... His words have definitely mutilated my illusions, but no claim will make a dent in him…Any hint of doubt I had regarding his behavior has been erased, but I'd better wait for tomorrow, surely he'll come with me, kiss my lips and ...