Metáforas I
Metáforas I
Penetran día a día
Mientras solitarios nidos se desnudan de verdades
Cuando la luz crepuscular se ha vuelto fugitiva
Ellos., aparecen por
esos callejones oscuros de los sueños
Mostrando esas líneas sacadas de alguna confesión inconsciente
Sacada de una nada, que todavía permanece girando por algún sitio
De la mente. Parecía dormida pero los fantasmas se muestran
Gravitan de alguna manera y su misterio se nos aparece como
Una visión transparente…
They penetrate
day by day
While lonely nests are stripped of truths
When the twilight light has become fugitive
They., Appear through those dark alleys of dreams
While lonely nests are stripped of truths
When the twilight light has become fugitive
They., Appear through those dark alleys of dreams
Showing those
lines drawn from some unconscious confession
Taken out of a nothingness, it still stays spinning somewhere
Of the mind. She seemed asleep but the ghosts are vertical
Gravitate in some way and its mystery appears to us as
A transparent view ...
Taken out of a nothingness, it still stays spinning somewhere
Of the mind. She seemed asleep but the ghosts are vertical
Gravitate in some way and its mystery appears to us as
A transparent view ...
Sonia Herrera H.
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