Antiguas y silenciosas...
Era esa noche tan luminosa
En plenilunio, reflejando las sombras
Desparramadas por ahí
Y en esa soledad de reflejos infinitos
Hasta tú., habrías deseado salir huyendo…
Van deslizándose volátiles., esparcidas
Descienden por la colina
Sus ojos heridos,
Cual cristales ensangrentados
Cortan y acuchillan, recorren su camino de regreso
Como nubes grises, antiguas y silenciosas…
It was that bright night
In full moon, reflecting the shadows
Scattered around
And in that solitude of infinite reflections
Even you, you would have wanted to run away ...
They are slipping, volatile, scattered
Descend down the hill
His wounded eyes,
What bloodstained crystals
Cut and stab, walk your way back
Like gray clouds, old and silent ...
Sonia Herrera H.
It was that bright night
In full moon, reflecting the shadows
Scattered around
And in that solitude of infinite reflections
Even you, you would have wanted to run away ...
They are slipping, volatile, scattered
Descend down the hill
His wounded eyes,
What bloodstained crystals
Cut and stab, walk your way back
Like gray clouds, old and silent ...
Sonia Herrera H.
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